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Posts published in “Day: June 19, 2019

Letters (June 19, 2019)

As a follow up to Supervisor McCowen's red faced phone call to the AVA, it's important to pause and to note this latest display of bullying behavior

Barbara Howe Speaks

There comes a point in nearly every hot, irrational blow-up when those involved must surely, in a moment of clarity, set aside their rage and…

The Cow in the Driveway

Rancho Navarro is a subdivision of 135 ten-acre lots nestled in the woods northwest of the Navarro General Store. Most properties lack permanent dwellings, giving…

OB/GYN at Coast Hospital

What is the average age of a woman in Mendocino? We'll follow up on the age quiz, but let's return to the Mendocino Coast District…

Back to the Stacks

Back in the dark ages of my youth, and I don’t mean to say that it was a dark time— quite the contrary, it was…

Tai Abreu Case Delayed Indefinitely

After waiting all this time to get the Tai Abreu case back on the court calendar we are reduced to reporting only that the new…

‘Gouging People Who Don’t Participate’

We couldn’t help laughing several times during the Board of Supervisor’s Cannabis Tax Appeal Board discussion on Tuesday. (Humor is where you find it, and…

Searching for Limb Casts

“What’s a Limb Cast?” Any geologist or rockhound can tell you. If you bury any or all of a tree in hot volcanic ash the…
