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Posts published in “Day: April 28, 2019

MCT: Monday, April 29, 2019

Laughlin Quake;
Warm Days;
Poetry Celebration;
Coast Guard;
PG&E Bailout;
Staff Communication;
Poison Wine;
Ed Notes;
Baseball Psychic;
Fed Exed;
Yesterday's Catch;
Illicit Weed;
Midlife Crisis;
Displeased God;
Side Effect;;
Alisemarie Photography;
Bad Music;
Bad Air;
Housing Armagedden;
Sixties Memories;
Joyous Future;
Feed Me;
Dog Walk

The Common Burglar

The oldest and commonest system of the house burglar in locating money and jewelry is to stand about theaters, cafés, and the better shops, watching…

Stuffing Party

[May 28] Woodlands Wildlife is getting our newsletter ready to put in the mail, and we need help. We're going to have a 'stuffing' party…
