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Posts published in March 2019

The Mendocino Bargain

In my short life I have observed Mendocino County give away some great assets. In looking back, I can find no one who can justify…

The Facts Are Elastic

The jury was hung on the most serious charge in the People v. Wright and Bradford home invasion case introduced in last week’s paper, and it appears the charge of kidnapping

The City Designed For Living

It's nothing new. I was in junior high graduating classes of 1958-60 in Santa Rosa California, then promoting itself as "The City Designed For Living".…

Valley People (March 13, 2019)

Busy weekend for the Anderson Valley as local crowds turned out Friday and Saturday nights for the annual Variety Show, always a much anticipated community event

Piano Concert

[Apr 13] The Ukiah Community Concert Association welcomes the internationally recognized and award-winning Russian concert pianist Ilya Yakushev to the Mendocino College Center Theatre in…

A Place Of Your Own

Do you know your place? In these days of hysterical Wokesterism, the question would surely provoke a riot of cowbell-clanging Antifa cadres, fainting spells in the…
