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Posts published in March 2019

Off the Record (March 20, 2019)

CEO CARMEL ANGELO shocked the Board of Supervisors last week with a surprise mention — not in her CEO report — that the County’s pot…

Valley People (March 20, 2019)

GO, ERIN! It’s Senior Project time at Anderson Valley High! Erin Lane, an 18-year-old horsewoman, daughter of Tara Evans and Robby Lane of Anderson Valley,…

I Hear You Knocking, But…

The problem with opportunities is that, in the moment, they are not always recognizable as such. Often they are just things that happen, mundane, forgettable…

Biloxi Days: The Complaint

The first T-28 trainers arrived at Keesler Air Force Base in early 1967. Colonel Slaughter and I arrived in late 1968. Prior to the arrival…

Bach in Chico

From Stanford University in Palo Alto, California northwest to the State University of California at Chico it’s a neat 200 miles—the kind of distance the…

Daylight & Water

For all you Trump haters out there you can’t say he hasn’t done something for us Uber Californians. In fact, he’s done a couple of…
