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Fire Recovery;
Pension Crisis;
Tax Adelson;
PG&E Lobby;
CA Foodways;
SOTU Recap;
Swingin' Syllables;
Illiterate Leaders;
Found Object
Posts published in February 2019
On Tuesday, a representative from the Measure B Oversight Committee will present a summary of the Measure B committee’s recommendations from their most recent meeting. That rep will perhaps be Sheriff Allman, the man who…
On Tuesday evening, January 29, 2019, I attended a “Boonville Planners” meeting regarding the water and sewer project for the town of Boonville. The project has been in the works for about four years, although…
At the Thursday, January 31st meeting of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors, orthopedist Jack Bellah offered an ultimatum: reinstate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards or he (Bellah) would resign. The…
Mr. Todd Ramos was set for jury trial last week on charges of a felon with a gun, somehow related to a domestic abuse case, and with the recent murder of a Willits woman
SNOW at the upper elevations of the Boonville-Ukiah Road late Monday morning. And Monday afternoon, sleet on the Valley floor
In 1974 an Okinawa-based dermatologist and Army Major named Alvin Alexander and his co-author, a physician at Montefiore Hospital in New York, wrote a paper entitled “Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB) in the Military.” Some excerpts: "Pseudofolliculitis…
We are having the coldest winter on record. 60 below. Where is Al Gore? Where is global warming? Where is climate change? Where are these idiots now? They're hiding, aren't they?
TAI ABREU will be in Judge Cindee Mayfield's court (Courtroom B) on Wednesday, February 6th, 9am (today). In the most grotesque miscarriage of justice