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Posts published in “Day: February 20, 2019

I Get to California (Part 8)

On my first trip to California, I hitchhiked on U.S. Route 460, which is a major East/West artery. Right away I got a ride from…

Letters (Feb. 20, 2019)

There are surely lots of unintended consequences to PG&E’s bankruptcy filing. One of them, here in Mendocino County is going to affect much of the population north of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Human Trafficking Saves Old Coast Café

Human trafficking does not depend on guns and muscles. Usually, it works by threats. Sylvia knew from the time she was a kid that she…

Major Aquaculture Project Gets Samoa Lease

Humboldt County is poised to become a hub for aquaculture, as the Harbor District has approved a lease for a Norway-based company that aims to…

The Eliza Bowman Story (Part 2)

In this space last time we covered the early life of Eliza Durbin Bowman. Additionally, the previous piece contained some history of the relations of…

The Tale of the Sacrificial Ford

There is nothing quite like a good nap, especially when one is getting on in years and the normal nighttime sleep cycle starts getting interrupted…

The Golden Fleece of the Little Lamb

Abel Aguado and Devin Kester-Tyler have been Argonauts of the Ukiah streets for as long as I’ve been covering the courthouse scene. They’ve always seemed…

Maureen ‘Mo’ Mulheren

If you’re a politician these days it’s hard to separate yourself from the pack. Everybody wants better schools, affordable healthcare, a livable wage, an unpolluted…
