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Posts published in January 2019

MCT: Thursday, January 24, 2019

Before Never;
Skills Academy;
Colvig Scandal;
Dog Adoptions;
Michael Andrus;
Stuart May;
FB Drunkenness;
Quiz Night;
Gualala Wastewater;
MCFB Chosen;
PG&E Bankruptcy;
CEO Review;
Republican Thought;
Albion 1970s;
Six Deer;
Yesterday's Catch;
Religious Hysteria;
Russell Baker;
Vest Blackout;
Sexual Distraction;
Pension Test;
Wine Case;
Billionaires Worried;
True Education;
Seeking Perfection;
Republican Practice;
Sako Purchase;
SOTU Location;
Nonsense Numbers;
Desert Sojourn;
National Theatre;
Shot Down;
WaterFix Designer;
Inland Dems

The Loomis Gang

Introducing the largest organized crime family in 19th century America.

Scrappy & Me (Part 5)

This time I’m gonna talk about “Scrappy,” who got his nickname because he collected and sold bottles and cans at the camp ground near Lake…

Anna Morrison Reed

In the 1800s women were seldom accorded their own identity in print. Emblematic of that was the newspaper notice of a baby born on New…

PG&E’s Bad Behavior & Bankruptcy

Last week’s column on PG&E’s pending bankruptcy closes the book on a piece I wrote a year and half ago where I warned to be…
