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Posts published in September 2018

We Are The People Of The Fire

Wildfires are old news. They’ve been old news for as long as humans have told stories about wildfires and tried to tame them, along with almost everything else that was wild. As soon as there…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sep. 12, 2018

FB Week;
Soggy Hurricane;
Complex Update;
Outback Football;
PV Diversion;
Michael Slaughter;
Albion Bridge;
Little Dog;
Norm Radio;
Neighborly Shootout;
Yesterday's Catch;
Commie Puns;
Roadside Trash;
Scooter Danger;
Party Betrayal;
Test Alert;
Foundation Celebration;
Hospital Auxiliary;
Class Calculator;
Streetfighter Sy

Who Needs Supervisors?

Several “retroactive” Consent Calendar Items are on next Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors agenda. The Board of Supervisors (lead Supervisor John McCowen) have complained several times about retroactive contract add-ons — after all they basically send…

Home Invasion Season Opens Early, Or…

Rural sharpies could easily lure young city dudes to Mendoland using a cache of last year’s unsold marijuana as bait, pull out a gun at the right moment (say, when the buyer complains about the freshness of the product), get the drop on the city boys, take their money then sic the police on the suckas by calling 911 and yelling, “We were just robbed by home invaders.”

Off the Record (Sep. 12, 2018)


(Because they make a lot of money providing invisible and/or failed services and never have to account for how many people "served" and how much money is spent "serving" them?)

Hospital Board Forum

[Oct 1] The League of Women Voters - Mendocino County has announced that a Candidate Forum for the Mendocino Coast Health Care District Board of Directors will be held at the Redwood Coast Senior Center,…

Odd Tree Out, Yet Again

Readers of the Anderson Valley Advertiser may remember my “Odd Tree Out” articles from earlier this year, chronicling my rediscovery – after 20 years – of California nutmeg in an area west of Philo.  With…
