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Posts published in September 2018
[Sep 22] This Saturday Ukiah Valley Artists will be hosting the 10th Annual ‘Open Studio Tour’. Twenty area artisans will open their studios for the public to come visit, see how their art is made…
[Sep 22] From 2-6pm, the Comptche Community Organization will host an Art & Wine Event at the Comptche Community Hall, 1/4 Mile East of the Store on the C/U Road. 40 Artists will be present…
Trucker Tragedy;
Storm Shelter;
PV Auction;
Consent Calendar;
Skunk Purchase;
Home Insurance;
Little Dog;
County Fair;
Fairground Events;
Locksmith Help;
Comptche Arts;
Cosmic Questions;
Ranch Fire;
Hastings Legacy;
Albion Bridge;
Questionable Wine;
Yesterday's Catch;
Moscow Visit;
Winesong Weekend;
Hard Tack;
Demented Executives;
I Am;
Futile Carping;
Not Zeno;
Gadget Shrinking;
Marco Radio;
Rock O;
Auctioneer Congressman;
Theatre Audition;
Student Debt;
Swamp Vapors;
Eating Things;
Anonymous Dissent;
Native Relocation;
Law Enforcement
Complex Suppression;
Wildfire Relief;
Janice Blue;
Laytonville Langenderfer;
Foodshed News;
Murder Attempt;
Church Service;
Goop Settles;
Remembrance Day;
Crop Report;
Retroactive Items;
253 History;
Incense Cedar;
Little Dog;
Caltrans Meetings;
Inappropriate Embrace;
Trump Culture;
Look Loyal;
Yesterday's Catch;
Massive Disruption;
Tourism Curse;
Pain Specialist;
Sanctuary Love;
Comptche Art;
Beached Birds;
Mister Smooth;
F&G Meeting;
California Power;
Pension Costs
Housing Solution;
Stolen Chainsaw;
Mayor Bendy;
98 Percent;
Fire Terror;
Bank Robber;
PD Wage;
Albion Bridge;
Church Service;
Teacher Investigation;
Little Dog;
Gualala Redwoods;
Absentee Tax;
Fort Despair;
Defensible Ukiah;
Yesterday's Catch;
Governing Trump;
Age Discrimination;
Deregulation Refugees;
No Quiz;
Unusual Activity;
Disgruntled Employees;
American Education;
Poetry Reading;
Cow Town
A sesh is a pop-up pot club. The oldest is said to be the Dream Sesh in Los Angeles, founded 2013. Sesh organizers have venues of their own or rent an event space. People get…