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Posts published in June 2018

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

AV Scholarships;
Czar Disappeared;
Sexual Servitude;
Sergeant Espinosa;
Old Timer;
Donald Strauss;
MTA Ride;
Vineyard Crossing;
Little Dog;
FB Shelter;
Police Reports;
Detoxify GP;
Yesterday's Catch;
Anecdotal War;
Child Bins;
Political Correctness;
Kid Prison;
Declaring War;
NCO Award;
McGuire Condemnation;
DC Stehr

Court Notes

THURSDAY, June 14, was the day that Public Defender Linda Thompson stepped down. As the readership knows, the Mighty AVA will not miss her, and since her significant other owns a tract of land larger than our County Seat, and her pension package, though modest by the standards of other County Dignitaries, she probably doesn’t need our blessing for her retirement to be complete and satisfying.

What’s New At The AV History Museum?

Greetings, all! Last time we reported in, we told you all about the physical improvements we’ve made to your Anderson Valley History Museum and surrounding grounds. Those included fixing a roof where the rain was…

Bath House Logic

Conservative writer P.J. O'Rourke, who used to butt heads with Molly Ivins on TV, came on the Tonight show once and explained right wing logic: "If you weren't a liberal when young, you had no…

Off the Record (June 20, 2018)

THE DA HAS DROPPED the felony kidnapping charge against the lead suspect in the disappearance of 23-year-old Khadijah Britton, citing a lack of evidence. Mendocino County District Attorney spokesman Mike Geniella said prosecutors didn’t have…

Book Review: The Culinary Underbelly

It's tough enough for a stage comedian to make you laugh out loud; more remarkable still when a supposedly comic movie does so. Rarest of all is an author achieving such result in print. A…
