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Posts published in June 2018

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 4, 2018

Probation Woes;
Handouts Bad;
Wildfire Investigation;
Ed Notes;
Huffman Visit;
Old Timer;
Costco Hiring;
Little Dog;
B Direction;
White Iris;
Yesterday's Catch;
Eternal Rest;
My Library;
Rat Catchers;
Tornado Cornfield;
Tax Results;
Gun Crazy;
Professional Societies;
Homeless Stereotypes;
Russiagate Hysteria

The Sound of Art

[Jun 30] This Saturday at 7pm, a premiere exhibition of Mendocino County instrument makers and musical sculptures will be unveiled at the Willits Center for the…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hot Days;
Donald Hammond;
Little Dog;
Handley Letter;
CSA Idea;
Barrett v Niggardly;
Open Fire;
Dressed Up;
Sexual Payback;
Hunger Strike;
Yesterday's Catch;
Replace Roseanne;
Sherwood Realignment;
Bottled Lightning;
Medical Racket;
Library Events;
Inspector Mcfraud;
Drunken Medley;
Badass Tragedy;
Stent King;
Salmon BBQ;
Left Needed;
Mattole Restoration;
Homeless Nation;
Marco Radio

Reading & Open Mic

[Jun 30] Join us for a reading with Marci Vogel, visiting post-doc scholar/instructor from the University of Southern California & author of At the Border…

Homeless Camp Cleanup

[Jun 28] The City has scheduled the cleanup of a transient encampment at the end of Cypress Street for June 28th. The undeveloped parcel on…

Parkland Forum

[Jun 28] An important event for the future of parks on the coast is coming up on June 28th. The Mendocino Coast Recreation and Parks…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, June 2, 2018

James Gimblett;
MCDH Crackdown;
Handley Letter;
Open Fire;
Alexandra's Death;
Adanac Ranch;
Foot Surgery;
Shakedown Bros;
Park Volunteers;
Weed Twins;
Little Dog;
County Roads;
Yesterday's Catch;
HHSA Budget;
Independent Party;
AVBC Hiring;
Emergency Radio;
128 Years;
Big Truck;
Lions Carnival;
Cruel Measures;
Papertowel Diplomacy;
Malevolent Nature;
Disney Paupers;
One-legged Car;
Password Problem;
Terence Talk;
Trump Pardons;
Opium Raids;
Overlay Zones;
Marco Radio

Whitesboro Pancake Breakfast

[Jun 24] A traditional pancake breakfast will be served at the Whitesboro Grange on Sunday, June 24th. Breakfast includes orange juice, pancakes with maple and…

Women’s Coalition

[Jun 23] Record number of women running for office. This is your chance to step forward. All School Boards and College Boards have elections. All…
