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Posts published in December 2017

Coast Hospital Issues Ultimatum

At a December 4th special meeting of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH), its Board of Directors interviewed then offered a contract to John Parigi…

Off the Record (Dec. 13, 2017)

TED'S IN! Albion-Little River Fire Chief Ted Williams to run for 5th District Supervisor. I want to serve as the Supervisor for the 5th District…

Academics Take Flight

The famed nineteenth-century Swiss historian Jacob Burkhardt, author of the seminal The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy first published in 1860, enjoined true scholars to remain…

Meet Skyhawk

[Jan 13] With all the distressing news on the national level, it's easy to forget that we have local government that makes decisions that effect…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017

Mayor Dies;
Smoky Haze;
Inmate Firefighters;
Home Defense;
Witt Popped;
Pinoli Stroke;
Navarro Watch;
Cat Clinic;
Rossi Window;
Odd Couple;
Unnecessary Courthouse;
Author Reading;
Little Dog;
Utility Negligence;
Prison Deal;
Police Reports;
Class K;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bridge Retrofit;
Senator Genital;
American Pravda;
Ruling Club;
Bankrupt US;
Protesting Brown;
Humiliation Orgy;
In Pain

Sondheim Musical, PA Theater

[Jan 13] Stephen Sondheim's legendary musical Follies is staged for the first time at London's National Theatre and broadcast live to cinemas. The Arena Theater is located at…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Dec. 11, 2017

Interim CFO;
Southern Comfort;
Little Dog;
Gibbons Reading;
Dry Spell;
Insane TV;
Pearl Harbor;
Santa's Lap;
Me Too;
Gale Winds;
Advance Warning;
Yesterday's Catch;
Fatal Economics;
Cad Continuum;
Forgiveness Coach;
Hinckle Book;
Real Victims;
Beyond Belief;
Merry Christmas;
Delta Comments

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017

Flashbacks Review;
Chief Answers;
Navarro High;
Laser Focused;
Holiday Bazaar;
Little Dog;
Pot Industry;
Candidate Haschak;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Money Matters;
Dissing Korea;
Trumping Along;
Monument Decision;
Walter's Well;
Garbage Dump;
Unknown Soldiers;
Library Events;
Marco Radio;
Travel Tip
