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Posts published in “Day: November 29, 2017

Clara & Michele

In late 1970 I met an interesting woman. Let’s call her Clara. She was the first lesbian I had ever met, or at least the…

Failure To Appear

Clevon Grant, nabbed by the long arm of the law, was in court last week, and I had to sit through his failure to appear…

Off the Record (Nov. 29, 2017)

The outbuilding at the Trough that burned the other night was used to store left-over stuff from the parking lot yard sales that used to go on at the Trough. Many regulars would bring stuff to sell and set up tables in the Trough's big parking lot. When it was over, the stuff went in the storage shed.

Valley People (Nov. 29, 2017)

THE RECENT deaths of Kay Clark, Jim Colling and Bob Kirkpatrick saddens everyone who knew them, me included. I looked forward to annual conversations with Kay at the Boonville Fair, and her husband Burton before her, too, and ongoing but periodic association with the Clark’s logger son, Brian.
