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Posts published in October 2017
AT THE LAST (October 3rd) meeting of the Supervisors, Ag Commissioner Diane Curry told the county leadership that 21 pot cultivation applications are now approved and 17 have been officially denied, apparently because the applicants…
THE SLAUGHTER in Las Vegas was so awful even the NRA is harrumphing about "certain restrictions may be necessary on conversion kits," the gizmos that make semi-automatic rifles into machine guns. DH Lawrence, the British writer assessing our souls, spent much of his time in New Mexico where, in the 1920s, there were probably still lots of men who had the bona fides Lawrence described. If the writer put down there today he'd more likely find his stoic killers transformed into tattooed fat guys toting yoga mats. Stoicism fled our fine, fat people four generations ago.
Friday Morning bright and early at 8:30 am there were 13 people in attendance at the Annual City Planning Workshop at Town Hall. Nine of them worked for the city. The preponderance of chiefs in…
THE TERRIBLE FIRES raging to the east and south of Anderson Valley began around midnight Sunday into Monday, and by the time the early rising ava began to tune in the outside world we learned…
Legion are the books on jazz that wave the banner of “revolution” above the chapter devoted to bebop, the improvised American music of swerving light and impossible speed, incandescent optimism and brooding melancholy that transformed…
I like it quiet in the cabin, I listen for a rogue wave that might get over the sandbar, I would hear it come under the bridge, troll-like tinker steps, the sounds of hundreds of…