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Posts published in August 2017

Here’s To Bud Light Bob

Bud Light Bob has died. A regular at the Forrest Club whose tenure predates my own. I was informed of his passing this afternoon, as…

Mill Site Workshops

[Sep 16, 21] The City of Fort Bragg will hold a Mill Site Reuse Open House & Workshops at the CV Starr Center on Saturday,…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017

Last Supper;
Criminal Element;
Gloria Trials;
Fair Participation;
Woodcut Exhibition;
Ron Departs;
Caboose Jewelry;
Burning Seat;
Waste Manager;
Bari Para;
Grape Harvest;
Little Dog;
Sewage Plan;
Gloriana's Chicago;
Yesterday's Catch;
Coming Contractions;
Spaghetti Dinner;
Artist Talk;
Planning Cancelled;
Presidio Terrace;
Hazardous Tyrant;
Toxic California

Green Meeting, Ukiah

[Sep 17] We, Greens, meet every 3rd Sunday rotating between Ukiah, Willits, the Coast and Boonville. Our next meeting will be Sunday, September 17th, 2-5pm…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Aug. 7, 2017

Shotgun Slaying;
Little Dog;
Howdy Tich;
Black Moving;
Another Year;
Transaction Shooting;
Bed Shortage;
Lake Management;
All-Star Lineup;
Yesterday's Catch;
Little Irritations;
Rigged System;
Ukiah 1930;
Lawyer Quest;
Historic Bridge;
Cathy Approves;
Lazy Boy;
Wonder Woman;
POTUS Calls;
Mad Groupthink

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Aug. 6, 2017

Early Release;
Extreme Injustice;
Judi Bari;
Algiers Motel;
Addictive Personality;
Humco Bust;
Burning Seat;
Little Dog;
Wooden Prose;
Yesterday's Catch;
Three Comments;
Marco Radio;
Herman Hesse;
KMEC Radio

Mendocino County Fair

[Sep 15-17] The Annual Mendocino County Fair and Apple Show started in 1924. In Mendocino County’s historic and picturesque Anderson Valley, it has remained an…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Aug. 5, 2017

Succeeding Croskey;
Bud Light Bob;
Union Ad;
Pot Paradise;
Manfully Hanged;
Somerton Exonerated;
Whetzel's Comment;
Little Dog;
Monster Turn;
Yesterday's Catch;
Linnea Hunter;
Division Diversion;
Marco Radio;
Ukiah Symphony;
Israel Boycott;
Student Debt;
One Murder, Four Deaths

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Aug. 4, 2017

Earthquake Weather;
Westport BBQ;
Little Dog;
Public Education;
Croskey Appointment;
Embezzlement Arrest;
Moratorium Comments;
Psych Unit;
Big River;
Dope's Downside;
Miller's Letter;
CPS Knocking;
Old Trophies;
Cannabis Update;
New Sweeney;
BOLO Jackson;
Rancho California;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dick Do;
Huff Legislation;
Robert Hardy;
Russia Probe;
Carbon Pawprint;
Reading Program;
Craig Permanente;
Heroes & Patriots
