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Posts published in “Day: June 28, 2017


In your life you must go to Yellowstone. If you can't or haven't, come on, come along. I was a tour bus driver and a…

Garlic Gone Baby

Several years ago we rented a farm house to a couple new to the area. Ironically the man’s father-in-law had just purchased our property in…

Mendocino County Today: June 28, 2017

Reefer Madness;
Financially Irresponsible;
Woodcut Exhibit;
EPIC Lawsuit;
Literacy Test;
Employee #2299198966;
Satanic Hysteria;
Little Dog;
Oafish Louts;
Yesterday's Catch;
Democratic Dissembling;
Attack Anyway;
Quixote Country;
Bridge Toll;
Poetry Reading;
Job Announcement;
Play Group;
Lake Swimming;
Deficit Scam

Administrative Malpractice

But Ob-Gyn Saved, For Now... By a 5-0 vote the Board of Directors of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has decided to keep the…

Music Never Dies

Ahh, those Anderson Valley mornings. At the Mosswood before things heated up it was calm and happy, the smiling lovely staff providing truly wonderful coffee,…

Willie’s Miracle

The jury trial of William “Willie” Housley of Boonville began last week, and the courtroom — presided over by visiting Judge David Devore from Alpine…

The Technicolor Swan

When I think of the Democratic Party these days, the image instantly comes to mind of little Linda Blair playing the demon-possessed child in the…

Off The Record (June 28, 2017)

THE MORE THINGS change….. The Vagrancy Act 1824 was an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that made it an offence to sleep rough…

Valley People (June 28, 2017)

IT REACHED 102 IN THE SHADE in Boonville last Thursday. And was higher than that out in the Yorkville direction. 110 in Ukiah where a hot day somehow seems to double down in wrap-around ghastliness. Winds were at or near zero. Some reports even had Fort Bragg around an amazing 90 for Thursday. Temps are supposed to gradually return to more normal 80s for highs in Anderson Valley over the next few days with corresponding reductions in other areas of the County.
