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Posts published in “Day: June 21, 2017

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 22, 2017

Housely Acquitted;
Policing Transients;
Road Crew;
Inspector Departs;
Code Enforcement;
Crazy Watch;
Help Caleb;
Matthew McCoy;
Farm Report;
Sonoma Besieged;
Bats Good;
Little Dog;
Shelter Report;
Quiz Night;
McKinleyville Mule;
Service Dogs;
Hare Creek;
Yesterday's Catch;
Solitary Life;
Legalized Extortion;
Insane Policy;
Cafe Job;
Hospital Stories;
Exposing Jones;
Market Opening;
Summer Poem;
Cannabis Faire;
Pampas Pull;
Paid Propaganda;
Global Warming;
Nazi Demogogy;
Saving Salmon

Letters (June 21, 2017)

Regarding the new marijuana sitatuion that has arisen. The County wants to put a bunch of restrictions on the types of land where you can or cannot grow marijuana and so forth. It’s state-sponsored, really. They are just wrapping their octopus like tentacles around the people to force the civilians who pay taxes to pay more taxes. That’s the only reason for it all. They don’t care. They just want to make it legal so they can tax it. And that’s that.

No Woman, No Cry

Monday morning I debated making a trip over the hill to the Ukiah valley where our watermelons and sweetcorn might be needing water. At the…

Coast Hospital Digs Itself in Deeper

At a June 13th special meeting of the Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors, Chair Steve Lund reported out of a 40 minute closed session, “After careful deliberation of this matter, including a thorough, confidential investigation conducted by an outside, independent law firm, the Board of Directors has determined, by a four to one vote, of the members present, per its investigation of this matter, to retain the CFO [Chief Financial Officer Wade Sturgeon] in his present position in accordance with his current contract.”

Bainbridge Trees Cut

The sixty year old trees in Bainbridge park are gone. In the battle, nay war, against homeless people sitting on the grass, every element of…

The Dynamiter With A Cig In His Lips

The entire French Resistance against the Nazis can be encapsulated in this film sequence: a man—a loner, standing and leaning on his bicycle, smokes a…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Roger Hanes;
Barth Apparition;
Ruffing Renewal;
Village Plan;
Coans Plead;
Basketball Camp;
Summer Driving;
Service Dogs;
Substandard Work;
One Permit;
Allman Initiative;
Labor Negotiations;
Little Dog;
Obscene Material;
Yesterday's Catch;
Cannabis Carbon;
Book Event;
Big Con;
Your Reps;
Undignified Prez;
Pure Mendocino;
Birthday Poem;
Foreign Lobbying;
Mr. Spofford

Museum Lawn Party

[Jul 4] Annual July Fourth BBQ & Lawn Party at the Kelley House Museum, 11 am - 3 pm, Tuesday, July 4. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs,…

The Wolfe At The ATM

Last week we met Kendall Kice who had her bank account ripped off by Bobby Roston. This week we meet Clifford Hampton who had his…

It’s The Pits: The Miner’s Blues

I’ve never been down an American coal mine, among the least safest in the world, though have plunged thousands of feet into the dark bowels of British pits in Yorkshire, Wales and Scotland, the world’s safest until they were closed by politicians and bean counters.
