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Posts published in “Day: June 14, 2017

Valley People (June 14, 2017)

RASTAFARIA comes to Boonville this weekend, all weekend. Take it away, Jimmy… A one and a two, and a doobie doobie do — Your love,…

Massacre in Mexico

How a U.S. drug operation sparked a cartel bloodbath near the Texas border.

Regulating Pot

Tony Linegar has a wealth of experience in two northern California counties where cannabis has long been a major cash crop: Mendocino and Sonoma. Before taking…

Ah, The Summer Of Love

This year marks 50 years since nineteen 67 and it seems everyone in San Francisco is filled with nostalgia for the Summer of Love. A…

The Gulls Have Spoken

I only ever deliberately killed another animal once in my life. It was in the mid-80s and I was working on a farm/nursery in Durango,…


Getting my first computer was inspired by a visit to AVA regular Jim Gibbons, in the hills outside of Willits. He was on solar power…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 14, 2017

InfoNut Interview;
Mendo's Promotors;
City Hall;
Co-op Expulsion;
Little Dog;
Treeless Park;
BBQ Gone Bad;
Fat Cat;
Captain Fathom;
Prosperous Developers;
Local History;
Disappearing Kelp;
Yesterday's Catch;
Eco-socialist Revolution;
Stupid Danger;
Wonder Women;
Israeli Occupation;
Guitar Masters

Playing By The Rules

The county is holding meetings this week in Laytonville, Ukiah, Fort Bragg, and Boonville to publicly unveil its newly-minted “Track and Trace” system that will,…
