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Posts published in March 2017

Of Christians & Cretins

Sacrificing sanity for the cause of knowledge, I’m in the midst of my own private Steve Bannon documentary film festival. I’ll report on my findings…

Good-Bye Ron O’Brien

A large group of friends and family turned out to celebrate the life of Ron O’Brien on Saturday March 11th at the Grange Hall in Philo. Ron would probably have been surprised and bemused to see how many people cared about him.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wright Arrest;
Zip Ties;
California Bar;
Little Dog;
Humco Immigration;
Police Report;
Hungry Animals;
FB Notes;
Nice Photos;
Shoeless Coach;
Election Rigging;
Yesterday's Catch;
Clintons ♥ Trump;
New Orleans;
Corporate Capitalism;
Obamacare Decision;
Two Poems;
MLT Recognition;
Wildlife Films;
Adoptable Pets;
People Power;
Vote Sako;
Montessori Introduction;
Gardens Events;
Library Events;
Water Plan

Fort Bragg Notes

The Georgia Pacific mill site is once again in play. 320 acres of the most beautiful coastal acreage in California or actually in the world…

Drunk Lawyers, Doctors Who Kill

The sensational DUI trial of a lawyer for the Office of the Public Defender, Lindsay Peak, ended in a mistrial before we could cover the…

Off the Record (March 15, 2017)

THE FOLLOWING POST appeared last week on Sheriff Allman’s Facebook page: "Hello my Facebook Community. I thank you all for the support I receive around…

Valley People (March 15, 2017)

COSMO KNOEBBER, the sage of Comptche, nicely sums up the feeling of most of us about Daylight Saving: "YAY! My watch will soon be right…

Bird’s Eye View (March 15, 2017)

First up this week. “The Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for nearly 250 years up until now, The US Presidency. On this…

Mr. Postman’s Wild Ride

Every now and then, someone perusing this space with access to my ear will ask: Did that really happen? I expect that same question occasionally…
