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Posts published in March 2017

Grange Wars

It’s hard to imagine The National Grange, this country’s oldest agricultural organization and one devoted to both community betterment and the protection of agriculture, to be at the center of so much litigation.

Dawn In Headwaters III

The vegan lunch consisted of those stir-fried vegetables that had thankfully been mixed with peanuts, canola oil, and apple cider vinegar, over rice. After serving nearly a hundred activists, glopping the rice into reused, plastic salza containers, I helped myself and took a seat across the table from the fellow kitchen guy and Hoosier, "Duck," who sported a dark goatee, blonde hair, and looked Scandinavian.

Deputy Massey Looks Back

(This is the final segment of our interview with Mendocino County’s only and probably last black deputy, Orell Massey.) AVA: What’s your experience with domestic…


The snowfall had diminished, almost stopped, when the doorbell rang. He thought it must be Jitterbug and his older cousin Malik, the two neighborhood kids…

Aloysius Garbanzo McBragg

I believe I have previously made my feelings on the matter of children quite clear. Seen and not heard, I say, and that from preferably…

Letters (March 22, 2017)

I am writing this to say what a shame it is that we have no decent doctors in the town of Ukiah. Where are any good doctors here in Ukiah? One who cares, really cares about their patients or anybody that walks through their doors, that follows through to make sure you get the care you need.

Going Bananas

In Woody Allen’s movie Bananas, one of Woody’s earlier, funnier films, there is a scene in which the leader of a successful rebellion in a…

Greg Sarris! Live!

Call Greg Sarris an anomaly, or maybe call him emblematic of the cultural crosscurrents of our age. Raised in a white, middle class family in…

Ongoing Trouble at Coast Hospital

On March 16th Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) abandoned all plans to convert to a “Hospital Fee Structure” when it became clear that there was…
