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Posts published in February 2017

Letters (Feb. 8, 2017)

For months and months I prayed Donald J. Trump would become our President, and what I sent over to you I explained what I thought needed to happen, and now it's happening! He straightening out the economy, he's straightening out the teacher's union and overall doing exactly what I prayed for. All these protesters, all these so-called celebrities, they should load them all into C-4 Transport planes and land them in Syria and let them out. Everything that Trump is fixing has been going wrong for the last eight years, and if these people don't like it they should leave.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017

Windy Morning;
Navarro Logjam;
Flood Forecast;
Weed-tax Lawsuit;
Linn Bottorf;
Boardman Case;
Lizbby's Opening;
Variety Show;
Village Movement;
AV Deputies;
Nature Notes;
Moon Dance;
Local Burgers;
GP Site;
Hare Creek;
Little Dog;
Luis Ferreyra;
Superbowl Fixed;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Retirement Party;
Healthy Mendocino;
Super Protests;
Donny Newton;
Prop 64;
Shaping Policy;
Muscle-bound Horses;
Trump Resonance;
Love Uncorked;
Super Callous;
Craig Resonates

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 6, 2017

SuperBowl Comeback;
River Forecast;
Carl Shapiro;
PG&E Bills;
Earthquake Books;
Eminently Impeachable;
Sako Suggests;
Abandoned Mines;
Free Dope;
Boonville Encounters;
Yesterday's Catch;
Obvious Solutions;
Hillary's Platform;
Wrong Track;
Ezra Pound;
Caring Mutuality

Farmers Convergence

[Feb 28] The Fifth-Annual Farmers Convergence Will Bring Together The North Coast Farming Community For Training And Networking. The Community Action Agency for Lake and Mendocino Counties,…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017

More Rain;
Ukiah Beautification;
Asphalt Plant Flooded;
In-N-Out Impressions;
Larry Long;
Perpetual Screwing;
Perpetual Penury;
Little Dog;
Milo Quotes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Brain Exchange;
Immigration Reform;
He Said;
Marco Radio;
Caltrans Now;
Poetry Reading;
Teen Leadership;
Brown Not Green

Ditch Your Lawn

[Feb 26]

Do you want to create a low water use, low maintenance, beautiful landscape that is filled with the sound and sight of pollinating insects and birds?

Museum Talk

[Feb 25] On Saturday, February 25th, at 2 p.m., the Grace Hudson Museum will host a talk by historian Dr. William J. Bauer, Jr., a…
