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Posts published in February 2017

Letters (Feb. 15, 2017)

Bruce -

This is exactly what I meant by clueless! I didn't expect you to agree with the lawsuit, only that you have a clue about what it's for. Being taxed is not the reason for the lawsuit. I already signed on to taxes as a proponent of Heritage.

Wes Murphy’s Assault Rifle

It was a hard-hearted jury last week that turned a deaf ear to most of the pleadings of Wesley Murphy’s lawyer, public defender Jonathan Opet. The jury refused to believe that Mr. Murphy was only a homeless vagabond who merely needed a warm place to sleep and a roof over his head in the wet weather when he was found in a trailer with 172 pounds of market-ready Mendo Purple and a fully loaded AR-15 assault rifle.

Off the Record (Feb. 15, 2017)

RECOMMENDED WALKS, Frisco Division: Specifically, turn right at the city end of the Golden Gate Bridge, park any old place in the abundant free lots for the next quarter mile and walk on! You'll soon be treading the bluffs above the ocean, but the more adventurous (and fit) will enjoy the fairly well-maintained trails running parallel to the pavement down below, just above the breakers which, at this time of year, are spectacular.

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 15, 2017)

Let’s get things started with The Turkey Vulture’s “Evening Dining in the Valley Bulletin.” Following an invitation only “soft” opening last Thursday, Lizbby’s, the new…

Partners In Crime

Prison is a young man's game. Or woman's; I don't want to take a sexist position here, but I will take an ageist one in…

Deputy Orell Massey On Mental Health

Deputy Orell Massey is Mendocino County’s first and, so far, only black patrol deputy. He has recently semi-retired, shifting from patrol to prisoner transportation. The…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017

Rex Tragedies;
Hospitality Questions;
More Rain;
Oroville Braces;
Baker Beach;
Galletti Letter;
AVFD News;
Little Dog;
Train Agreement;
Tax Question;
Basketball Season;
Yesterday's Catch;
Underinvested Infrastructure;
Irwin Corey;
Muslim Women;
Accounting Fraud;
Orange Essence;
Democratic Club;
Wildlife Films;
Astro Burger;
Virginia Woolf;
The Look of Love

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 13, 2017

Oroville Evacuations;
Injury Accident;
Little Dog;
Trash Deal;
Street Encounter;
Sick Neighbor;
Water Rescue;
Local History;
Yesterday's Catch;
Cannabis Tax;
Bernie Democrat;
Caste System;
Unthinking Majority;
Empty Prisons;
Bear Bait;
Spewing Pipeline;
Illegal Abortion;
Chaotic Lives;
Hypocritically Pathetic;
Truth Ministry;
Right to Assemble;
Halcyon Days
