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Posts published in “Day: February 8, 2017

Off The Record (Feb, 8, 2017)

AFTER YEARS of tax-free income while proclaiming marijuana’s miracle properties and all-round groove-o centrality to life in Mendocino County, a small group of persons who…

Valley People (Feb. 8, 2017)

CHLOE GUAZZONE, director of the Anderson Valley Health Center, tells us that Dr. Gary Pace is filling in at the Center while the search continues…

Letters (Feb. 8, 2017)

For months and months I prayed Donald J. Trump would become our President, and what I sent over to you I explained what I thought needed to happen, and now it's happening! He straightening out the economy, he's straightening out the teacher's union and overall doing exactly what I prayed for. All these protesters, all these so-called celebrities, they should load them all into C-4 Transport planes and land them in Syria and let them out. Everything that Trump is fixing has been going wrong for the last eight years, and if these people don't like it they should leave.
