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Posts published in January 2017

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017

Tweaker Remanded;
Creek Fatality;
Panchito Fundraiser;
Little Dog;
Four Thoughts;
Mayberry WSJ;
Yesterday's Catch;
Obama Legacy;
Financial Advice;
Flooded Salmon;
Broadband Meeting;
American Pickers;
Retirement Meeting;
General Strike;
Theatre Workshops;
Defending Healthcare;
Inaugural Performers;
Pollution Appointment;
Writers Respond;
Rental Scam;
Fish-friendly Certification;
Beach Towns;
Human Be-in;
Delta Smelt

Permaculture Workshop

[Feb 4] If you think planting locally adapted seeds and personally grafted fruit trees is a fitting activity for early 2017, mark Mendocino Permaculture’s 34th…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

128 Open;
Wolf Moon;
Creek Tragedy;
Housing Wanted;
Panchito Fundraiser;
Management Vacuum;
Trash Negotiations;
Shelter Update;
Little Dog;
Shamrock Ranch;
Dear KZYX;
Fund Woodhouse;
Yesterday's Catch;
HR 676;
Mass Shooting;
Library Events;
Permaculture Workshop;
Tunnels Funding;
Nasal Spray;
Cucumber Wishes

The Spy With No Name

A Dutch mother mistakes a communist spy for the son she gave up for adoption.

Bicycling To Oblivion?

Thursday’s bike ride converted into a series of adventures and misadventures. During the eventful trip, I fell down two times while getting on or off…

Sunday Drive Over Skaggs Springs Road

My husband an I are firm believes in the old fashioned concept of a “Sunday Drive.” We find a road we’ve never been on, make…

Mendo’s Murky Pot Rule Enforcement

With Big Pharma (aka Big Dope) poised to move big time into Mendocino County, we decided to take a look back at last June’s report…

HumCo’s Pot Brand Tracking

The importance of tracking and branding Humboldt County’s commercially-produced marijuana is being emphasized as the Board of Supervisors solicits proposals to transition a pilot program…

The Madball Scientist

“OOOOO-eeeeeeeeee!” I shouted, coming down hard on the second syllable and giving it some real verve and brio, the pitch steadily rising into the sensory…
