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Posts published in December 2016

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 21, 2016)

Merry/Happy Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/Holidays or whatever to all of my many hundreds of thousands of readers and supporters. I hope you are coping with all of the…

Jesu: Bach’s Timeless Broth

For many it remains an open question whether the tricentenary of one of J. S. Bach’s most famous tunes—or, to be more precise, the work…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2016

Mayberry WSJ;
Merrell Sentenced;
County Sued;
Inauguration Plans;
Rip-van-Winkle Desk;
The Magic Donald;
Little Dog;
Mr Dog;
CEO Report;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bernie Sandernistas;
Cry Hack;
Outlaw Culture;
Piano Concerts;
Americana Night

Winter Symphony Concert

[Jan 28, 29] Symphony of the Redwoods 2017 Winter Symphony Concert January 28 & 29, Cotton Auditorium, Sat 7:30pm & Sun 2pm 1) Martinu: Overture for…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Dec. 19, 2016

Shelter Funds;
Little Dog;
Boonville Botanist;
Children's Books;
Christmas Tableau;
Sentencing Lorenzo;
Mental Health Facility;
Yesterday's Catch;
Leisure Class;
Lying News;
Rental Wanted;
Assemblyman Wood Uncertain;
Educating Oneself;
Road Fork;
Library Events

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 18, 2016

7.9 Quake;
Mummified Condition;
Elder Abuse;
Tub Draining;
House Cleaner;
Jewel Says;
Little Dog;
Mendo Football;
Weather Shelters;
Working Dream;
Blackbird Postponed;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bad Intel;
Marco Radio;
Democratic Myths;
Lawrence Colburn;
Water Bill
