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Posts published in December 2016

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 24, 2016

In Memoriam;
Little Dog;
Dam Mishap;
Sex Traffickers;
Where's Fathom;
Animal Shelter;
Charlie Escaped;
Little Tree;
Sheriff's Roundup;
Yesterday's Catch;
Jagger Tryst;
Marco Radio;
Journalists Disintegrating;
The Trump;
Cannabis Banking;
Rural Isolates;
Malcolm Kerr;
MLK Celebration;
CPUC Proposal;
Tunnels Documents;
CalPERS Adjustment;
Painting Exhibit;
Transgender Vocals

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 23, 2016

Chilly Christmas;
Boatwright's Caspar;
Little Dog;
Mendo GJs Recognized;
The Sellout;
Perv-o-rama Prose;
Thug Boy;
Yesterday's Catch;
Prop 13;
Fake Stuff;
AG Press Release;
Delta EIS;
Two More Days;
MCOE Thanks;
Craig's SF

Milou Trio

[Jan 29] The Milou Trio, featuring Bay Area musicians David Michael Goldblatt (cello), Diane Nicholeris (violin), and Gwendolyn Mok (piano), will grace the Ukiah area…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec. 22, 2016

AG Opinion;
Fiorentino Arraigned;
Little Dog;
Animal Shelter;
Pot Regs;
Police Chase;
Weather Shelter;
MCOE Christmas;
Nutrition Class;
Looking Back;
Calpers Forecast;
Holiday Quiz;
FB Politics;
Yesterday's Catch;
Genial Squalor;
Uncle Santa;
Coming Collapse;
Athletic Bias;
Medicare for All;
Solar News;
Delta EIS

Starting Out In Fort Bragg

If I still believed the things I was told when I was a teenager, barely able to distinguish truth from fiction, I would be as cranked up about a vast liberal conspiracy to control my every action, take my guns away, and teach my offspring to be sexual deviants as the vast majority of Americans. Actually, that’s not exactly correct.

Our Dying Ocean

Kelp forests are the most complex and abundant ecosystems on earth, exceeding when they are healthy even tropical rain forests in both the diversity of species and the abundance of individuals. Enormous kelp forests once extended the length of the pacific coast to Alaska stretching out as much as three miles into the ocean. The little fish hide, the big fish lurk and the total ecosystem is extraordinarily diverse complicated and abundant. A kelp forest is a biological miracle.

Blackbird Postponed Again

Last Wednesday night the Community Services District reviewed a draft of a letter to the Planning Department concerning Blackbird Farm’s proposal to increase their allowed…
