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Posts published in November 2016

Staying Warm

I was asked a few years ago to inspect a vineyard just outside of Geyserville. I used to get these requests often, and this was…

Cali Nation

Marcia and I woke the morning after the election to the sounds of Waste Management trucks picking up the recycling cans, and my first words…

Mendocino Talking: Michael Laybourn

Michael Laybourn is an artist and businessman living in Hopland. He grew up in Hanford, Washington where his dad was involved in Atomic Energy. He…

Sailing Out of Willits (Part 3)

Had lunch with a few other yate owners and Liliana, Madame of the Port. She is a real character, plus very attractive and engaging. She arrived here in Playa del Cocos with her parents when she was 5-years old and learned English by just talking to the tourists and yate owners.

Letters (Nov. 16, 2016)

Many of us are reeling at the results of the national election. But whether you agree or disagree with the outcome, there are fundamental questions about the fairness and integrity of our election process.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016

128 Closed;
Mendo History;
KZYX Broke;
Siege Mentality;
HRC Perceptions;
Little Dog;
Deporting Criminals;
Miffed Plus;
Murdered Grower;
Ocean Rescue;
Slow Count;
Yesterday's Catch;
Everybody Knows;
Crummy Time;
Eleanor 100;
Scumbag Search;
Nonvoters Protesting;
Kay School;
Neoliberal Plunder;
Natural Life;
Corrupt DNC;
Dear Donald;
Local Artists
