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Posts published in November 2016

Rodger & Me

A good man passed last week, a hard-working, hard-laughing man. An honorable man. His name was Rodger Tolman, and I had the good fortune to…

Playwright Reading

[Nov 30] The Mendocino Theatre Company hosts a reading of works by Lia Gladstone. A reading of two short plays, written and directed by playwright…

Whitesboro Pancake Breakfast

[Nov 27] A traditional pancake breakfast will be served at the Whitesboro Grange on Sunday November 27th — come polish off your Thanksgiving celebration weekend…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016

Election Notes;
Little Dog;
Vote Speculations;
Election Office;
Voter Turnout;
Road Tax;
California Propositions;
Legalization Questions;
Yesterday's Catch;
Various Vanities;
Marco Radio;
Cumulative Effect;
Mendo Stands;
Mushroom Workshop;
Hill Nabbed;
F&G Grants;
Protesting Democrats;
Adult Supervision;
Church Work;
Neoliberalism Lost;
Trump Fear;
Fracking Ban

Mr. Heeser’s Paper

William Heeser, born and raised in Koblenz, Germany, proved more than fluent in English by the time he reached the Mendocino Coast in the 1850s,…

Panther Soccer (Nov. 9, 2016)

The Panthers’ soaring season crashed dramatically last week when they were beaten 2-0 by arch-rivals Calistoga and were eliminated from the play-offs. Following postseason Championships…

October in Spain 2016

The leaves on the trees in Retiro Park in Madrid are turning burnt orange and brown, the umbrellas are in hand. Autumn is here and…

Letters (Nov. 9, 2016)

The unfortunate situation with the Mendocino College athletes has come to my attention and deserves the attention of others. The 17 students, mostly African-American, are now living in a building adjacent to the Assembly of God Church at 395 N. Barnes St. in Ukiah.
