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Posts published in November 2016

Organistic In Frisco

I’m in San Francisco for an organ concert tomorrow night at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on the edge of the city’s Tenderloin District, and a stone’s throw from St. Mary’s catholic cathedral, that giant cross-shaped…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 16, 2016)

From The Old Buzzard, comes another in his insightful series. “Signs that the Apocalypse is Approaching.” Buzzard reports, “So Donald Trump will be America’s 45th president, and having retained their majorities in the House and…

What Now?

Not to put too fine a point on it, America coughed up Hillary Clinton like a hairball last week — the catch being it then had to swallow the Cheeto-colored bolus called Donald Trump. It…

Dulcimer Concert

[Dec 14] Brenda Hall will be playing “Songs for Shelter” on the dulcimer, Friday, December 14, from 6:30-8:30pm. All tip jar donations will benefit the non-profit organization S.O.S.- Networking for Mendocino Coast Companion Animals. This…

Toy Drive

[Dec 10] Come tour the inside of our SMART Holiday Express Train, and join us in sharing the spirit of the season. On Saturday, December 10, bring an unwrapped toy or gift card to our…
