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Posts published in “Day: September 21, 2016

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016

Mental Health Meeting;
Ukiah Fires;
MRC Tax Haggle;
New Cafe;
Pot Slaves;
Supes Reject AF;
Artsy Destination;
Malcolm Grousing;
Prop 55;
Yesterday's Catch;
Outdoor Lifestyle;
On Traveling;
Defying Physics;
Watermelon Dream;
The Big Island

Bicycle Highways Now!

Sometimes even Germans have good transportation ideas.

Slowly, Then All At Once

The staggering incoherence of the election campaign only mirrors the shocking incapacity of the American public, from top to bottom, to process the tendings of…

Letters (Sept. 21, 2016)

Back in the days when the Philo radio station began its day with the NPR news program, a lady came in each morning to open the door and put the station on in the air. Usually she came in 30-45 minutes early, played classical music until her shift began. Her name was Loretta Houck.


So it’s Friday and I’m having one of those mornings where I feel certain the universe is an all-powerful sentient being picking on me for…

Escaping The Teenage Wasteland

 “Adults should face the fact that they don't like adolescents,” wrote Leon Botstein, president of Bard College, shortly after the Columbine school shooting in 1999,…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016

Woodhouse Incapacitated;
Turner 911;
Hare Creek;
Taj-MaTransfer Station;
Chestnut Street;
County News;
Pumpkin Truck;
Trump Vandalized;
Mendocino Voice;
Remembrance Day;
Bulgarian Farmers;
Footpath Assault;
Yesterday's Catch;
Prop 64;
Artists Confab;
Mixed Up;
Donald Perfect;
1,000 Books;
Naked Ladies;
Giant Reversal;
Prop 59
