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Posts published in “Day: September 14, 2016

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016

One-punch Video;
Perjury Sentencing;
Hmbldt Mdcnls;
Election Issues;
Ballot Measures;
Broadband Notes;
Ruoff Returned;
Creative Fence;
Teenage Winemaker;
Yesterday's Catch;
Native Plants;
Priestly Blessings;
The Deplorables;
Mosquito Lecture;
Gloriana Carolers;
Captain Underwood;
Cross Fire;

Pennants, Peasants & Penance

As I was watching the walking, talking public relations stunt that is Pope Francis capering on television, soaking up all the love and adulation bestowed…

Valley People (Sep 14, 2016)

DAVID SEVERN WRITES: Welcome to the kickoff for the new face to our Mendocino County Fair and Apple Show. A few months back it was voted on and approved. Now it flies as a banner in front of the Apple Hall.

Confessions Of A Brexist

(London) It’s my first trip back to Britain—or England as I now make a point of calling this parcel of the disunited island kingdom—since 2015…

Dry Heaving in Paradise

In the chilly hours of morning we folded our tent, rolled our rain fly and gazed up toward the steep climb ahead. There are higher…

Looking For Serenity

It's light out though the sun has yet to pop through the horizon. The nuthatches and chickadees greet me as they visit the two birdfeeders a few feet from one of the kitchen windows. There are a few cardinals feeding on the ground underneath the feeders, their speech a reproach: tch, tch, tch.

My First Paying Job

I was 13. It was 1958. We lived at what was then the outskirts of suburban Fresno. Down the street about half a mile was…
