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Posts published in April 2016

A Leak Has Sprung

Inside the law firm that sells secrecy to drug dealers, dictators and human traffickers.

Greenwood Road

“Take the back roads instead of the highway.”

Minnie Pearl was right. If you want to take the pulse of America, forsake the interstates of commerce and the stately boulevards where the big shots live. Try a back road to see what’s what.

Warped To This Day

"Nixon's Drug War Was (and Still is) a Racist Tool to Disrupt and Neutralize Black Communities" was the headline of an article published this week…

Siwashing It

The road out of Gualala, at least the road I chose, climbed from a pleasant creekbottom, cooled by tall trees and damp breezes, abruptly and…

A Workingman’s ‘Dead’

As it does on some days in the Richmond District, the 12:00 o’clock siren is blowing, and it reminds me of the daily siren at noon in the small town I was raised in on Long Island. My grandfather, a hardworking German immigrant who farmed after retirement, would put down his hoe and walk back to his bungalow, where my grandmother had lunch ready.

Coast Hospital Tax Maneuvers

Health care, in general, is indeed a mess in this country, and yet there are doctors and nurses doing their level best all over the place. They just get re-wound every so often, like an old watch that's supposed to keep on ticking no matter how much you use and/or abuse it.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 6, 2016

Wisconsin Primary;
Felon Release;
Bird Walk;
Gay T-shirt;
GJ Response;
Past Panthers;
Forbes Article;
Yesterday's Catch;
Drought Money;
Bad Sculptures;
Neighborhood Wrestler;
Gardens Sale;
Trump Phenomenon;
Oakland Correspondant

KZYX In Transition

On the late winter evening of March 7th, as the sun dipped behind the hills, the KZYX Board of Directors met at the Willits library.…

Vote For Phish Waschboard

"Guns don't kill people," said my opponent in the "debate." "People kill people." He delivered the kicker with a self-satisfied smirk and held out his…
