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Posts published in “Day: March 21, 2016

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016

Restraining Force;
Recommended Reading;
Spit Matters;
Piano Show;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trump's Path;
Psych Beds;
Donor Logos;
New Disposition;
Looming Crises;
Measure W;
Greenwashing Brown;
Whiskey River;
Postmodern Fog

Could Trump Smoke Hillary Like The Roach She Is?

Do the Clintonites have enough hose to rescue Hillary from the flaming wreck of her toxic soul? Will Bill find the cajones to inject her flaccid campaign with super-pac man-juice? Or will Mrs. Clinton be reduced to a mere butter stain on the crumpet of American history? Pow! Bang! Eew!
