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Posts published in “Day: August 19, 2015

Off the Record (Aug 19, 2015)

THE COMBINATION of Governor Brown's realignment and Prop 47 aren't good for any community, but for an outlaw-heavy community like remote Covelo the twin measures…

Bern, Baby, Bern!

Refusing to bury peace and democracy just yet, growing number of Americans pray for miracle.

Doctor 4-H

Dr. Preston owned a two story building that still stands today at the corner of Little Lake and Lansing Street in Mendocino, across from the…

My Craziest Humboldt Day Ever

So it’s 7am, I still haven’t slept yet, but as I sit here reflecting on what might have been the craziest night of my weed career in Humboldt, I can’t help but smile. I made it. What that means will become more clear as this story evolves. You may find yourself in disbelief, but I promise the events that unfolded are 100% true.

Angels Of The Bicycle Rider

Although it comes late in life, when because of surgery and old age I am no longer a contender, I have discovered an infallible technique…

Just In From Ukiah

I was entertained, the other day, to read in the Journal about the city at last lowering the boom on the Palace's dysfunctional owner Eladia…

Pedal To The Metal On The Autobahn

It was not the tireless wind now being harnessed by Germany’s Energy Transition (Energiewende)—that same force discussed last week in this space—but the fires of…
