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Posts published in July 2015

California’s Failed Water System

In a decision bursting with symbolism, the California State Water Resources Control Board recently announced its intention to draw down the main water supply reservoir for a half-million people who live just outside of the state capitol to only 12% of capacity by September 30. Lake Folsom on the American River — the main water source for Roseville, Folsom, and other Sacramento suburbs — will plummet to 120,000 acre-feet by that date, according to a forecast by the water board, which announced the plan at an unusually lively Sacramento workshop on June 24.

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 16, 2015

Red Truck;
Another Hit;
Taking Evidence;
Homeless Evictions;
Yesterday's Catch;
Warrant Wednesday;
Miller Decision;
Daddy's Working;
New Tribe;
Democratic Hypocrisy;
Sweeney's Station;
Crunch Time;
Petrolia Earthquakes;
Nuclear Agreement;
Goodbye VMC;
Stupid Girls;
Craig Postcard;
Marbling Paper;
Kinetic Carnivale

Mental Health: How To Inspire Zero Confidence

WE’RE STILL TRYING TO DECIPHER what’s happening with the reporting of Mendocino County’s privatized Mental Health system. We recently asked the Health & Human Services Department staff for copies of Ortner’s latest “timeliness of access” report and their latest bill. After a few days of unnecessary runarounds they duly provided them. It turns out the “timeliness of access” report for Ortner’s newly privatized “access center” (which seems to be a subcontracted program that Ortner administers, for a fee) is a simple one-page summary assessment of Ortner’s responses to Mendolanders who contact the crisis line and/or the Access Center.

KZYX’s Divine Comedy Runs On

The KZYX Board of Directors held a marathon five-hour meeting at the Community Center in Willits on June 29th. Mercifully, the weather was almost cool…

Bird’s Eye View (July 15, 2015)

As I sit here contemplating the state of the film industry, not only do I think that HBO provides better entertainment than going to a cinema (due mainly to all the top screenwriters now working for the premium cable networks having left the shoot-outs, explosions, special effects, and blatantly obvious plot lines to the movie business), but also that censorship in films has become ludicrous, while once again premium cable has got it right when it comes to sex and violence.

Delayed In Toronto

How many times have you seen TV news reports of people stranded in airports, and thought, “Thank God that’s not me?” Usually the delay is…

River Views (July 15, 2015)

It's raining in July at the Macdonald ranch. Here it proves a welcome sight, damping down dusty roads and dry grass. Any rain in drought…

Busy Socially In A Rural Setting

I grew up where men seldom touched other men, beyond a handshake, and everybody was happy with that arrangement. But, when I came out to…

If There Must Be A Death Penalty…

Much ado about the death penalty lately... Some places want to reinstate the firing squad, which is interesting if only because one or more of…
