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Posts published in July 2015

The Bear Lincoln Case Revisited

In the late afternoon of April 14, 1995, just over 20 years ago now, Arylis Peters shot and killed Gene Britton in the Covelo High…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bergdahl Visit;
Plowrights Fined;
Michael Kisslinger;
Transfer Station;
Cooley Backslides;
Yesterday's Catch;
Remembering Rosie;
Outlet Creek;
Laytonville Murders;
Bobcat Trapping;
Mosquito Virus;
Modern Major-General;
DMV Centennial;
Cornpone Fascist;
Writers Conference

KZYX’s ‘No Safe Harbor’ Directive

Late into the evening of June 29th at KZYX's Board of Director's meeting with three public comment times somewhat successfully navigated and budget reviews from…

How ‘Sustainable’ Is The Wine Industry?

Sonoma County Winegrowers recently bought an expensive, full-page, color ad, using tax dollars, in the July 12 daily Santa Rosa Press Democrat and in various…

The Garden of the Jesuits

Opposite the house where I now live is the school my young daughter Irene attends; where I pick her up Tuesdays and Thursdays, and two…

Letters (July 22, 2015)

I remember a Ukiah where there was no mentally ill, drunks, or drug addicts roaming the streets and embarrassing city council members. No county supervisor had to take it upon himself to rid the streets of the homeless and the mess they create. There was no urine or feces left for shopkeepers to have to clean up and there was none of those dreaded shopping carts strung all over town.

Brutalizing Greece

Near the top of the list of horrible things I’ve witnessed in my life are the beatings of small weak defenseless people at the hands of big strong brutal people. We had two big vicious bullies at my elementary school, and when I started Third Grade, I was sick with fear for days after I saw those two brutes pummel a little boy. And the more I read about what the international hedge fund criminal banking consortium and their elected lackeys Merkel and Obama are doing to Greece, the more I feel the same disgust and hopelessness I felt when I watched those giants beating that little boy.

The Stony Lonesome: Open Mic In Caspar

It was a lovely early summer Albion day and I was enjoying it in the front yard with my Hungarian bombshell neighbor. Hungarian-American, I suppose…
