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Posts published in “Day: July 15, 2015

Off the Record (July 15, 2015)

ROUGHLY a quarter of the 8,145 undocumented people released from local jails between January and August of last year were later arrested for various crimes,…

Valley People (July 15, 2015)

THE FIRST ANNUAL Heroes of Health and Safety Fair, Saturday July 18th at the Boonville Fairgrounds, 10am-3pm. There is no cost to this family-friendly event.…

Cherry Tree Myth

The Fourth of July has always been a mixed bag for me. As a boy, I loved the barbecue and fireworks party in our neighbors’ backyard. My friends and I ran around in the dark with sparklers, ate potato salad and burgers and corn and watermelon, and a man smoking a cigarette and drinking a martini set off spectacular fireworks smuggled into California from Montana.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stick Shaking;
ICE Swooping;
Schneider Resigns;
Vergara Apologizes;
FB Initiative;
Yesterday's Catch;
Worthless Palace;
Luxury Despair;
Noyo Harbor;
Not Safe;
Zen Mum;
Howard Fund;
Cloverdale Resort;
Reefer Woman;
Outlet Creek;
Garden Lady;
NSSL Fair;
Bank Fees;
Free Physical;
Sudan Documentary
