Nature brought us a treat two weeks ago, a young doe, resident to these woods we own a small part of, sauntered by the north-facing windows followed by two tiny fawns, their smallness amplifying their cuteness. Since then, the doe and her fawns have returned several times, the two babies larger each time, their movements ever more graceful and assured.
Posts published in June 2015
I thought I might point out a few of the things that I observed on my travels beyond the Valley and across the seas as being, in my humble opinion, noticeably different than here. This topic could be the subject of a lengthy book of course but for current purposes let’s just have a few of the obvious ones in a somewhat simplistic form.
Sometime in April my neighbor walked over to the back corner of our place while we were stretching the plastic over our wooden greenhouse frame. He had plenty of guinea eggs, he said, also informing…
Lots of fish. But these fish aren't found in the occasional streams that meander down to the Rancheria, fighting their way to and from the distant Pacific. No sir, these fish have it easy. They…
Gabriel Ray is the man accused of “mowing down” five bicyclists on Old River Road near Hopland last January 30th. The 18-year old has been charged with five counts of assault with a deadly weapon…
LAST WEEK, in Mendocino County Superior Court, the City of Fort Bragg presented its defense against a request for a preliminary injunction filed by a group opposing the City Council's decision to pass through State…
As the pleasant sunny afternoon of May 4th settled into a mild spring evening, the KZYX Board of Directors met in Ukiah at the Space Theater for its annual meeting with its membership. Absent was…
U.S. police kill more suspects in days than other countries do in years.
Let's begin with some Q&A. In the 1990s, runaway cultivation of a mind-altering cash crop led to a spate of illegal surface water diversions from the streams and springs that feed the Russian River, as…