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Posts published in “Day: March 18, 2015

Valley People (Mar 18, 2015)

BILL MCEWEN has died. A long-time resident of Philo, Bill, 63, was well-known in the Anderson Valley for his quiet commitment to family and friends.…

Bird’s Eye View (Mar 18, 2015)

Several regulars at the 3-Dot and myself wish to pass on our congratulations to owner Tom Towey on the Fourth Anniversary of his Buckhorn restaurant and pub in the heart of Boonville. Recalling those months in late 2010 and early 2011, I remember well Tom’s perseverance as he fought through the ridiculous red tape and mind-boggling bureaucracy that Mendocino County provides as obstacles for anyone who is planning to open a pub/restaurant.

Greenfield’s Pomo Relics

Systemic and widespread murder, land expropriation, forced sterilization, kidnapping and forced indoctrination of children via a residential school system that persisted for nearly a century,…

Goody’s Song

As recently reported, Marcia and I are getting more airplay for our music on KVRF, a radio station in Palmer, Alaska, than we’ve had anywhere else in these United States, and our song getting the most play recently is “Goody’s Song” with lyrics based on a poem by my grandmother.
