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Posts published in “Day: February 4, 2015

It Takes All Kinds

The title may be trite, but in Mendocino County during harvest time, cliché or not, we get ‘em all — and when it comes to…

Off the Record (Feb 4, 2105)

MERC, HERC and we're probably ferked, but the Mendocino Redwood Company's hotly disputed timber harvest plans for the Comptche-Albion areas are heating up some more.…

Mendocino Talking: Ron Epstein

Ron is a retired professor of Buddhist Studies, one of the founders of Dharma Realm Buddhist University at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Talmage, and a community advocate in Ukiah and Mendocino County.

Zimmerman’s Victory Lapse

Professional reformers, longtime activists, and stakeholders in the marijuana industry attended an invitation-only meeting at the Waterfront Hotel in Oakland January 9 to discuss plans…
