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Posts published in “Day: January 21, 2015

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan 21, 2015

Hare Creek Hearing;
Sandlot Days;
False Idols;
Catch of the Day;
MH Board Failing;
King Tides;
Vintage Suspects;
Palace Receivership;
Wrong Charlie;
Credit Unions;
Gas Troopers;
LAFCo Oversight;
Selma Review;
Fracking EIR;
Library Events

Unlucky In Love

“It had been five years,” Mr. Long told the detectives, “five long years and more, I’d gone without it, without, totally without, I mean, ur, uh, ah — you know — sex, sex of any kind; and then [on August 7th] I got lucky. It was my wildest dreams come true! Two smokin' hot babes with a room at Motel 6. Which, I meant, I’d met the little hotties at the liquor store, and they said, ‘Like, dude, get some awesome vodka, dude, and like come up to the room’ and I thought it was gonna be a threesome! How awesome is that?”

Silencing the Frost Fans

Anderson Valley resident Mark Scaramella has filed a Petition for Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Declaratory or Injunctive Relief asking a Superior Court Judge…

Off the Record (Jan 21, 2015)

THE FORT BRAGG CITY COUNCIL, Lindy Peters dissenting, has voted 3-1 to allow the sale of the old Coast Hotel to the burgeoning Hospitality House…

Valley People (Jan 21, 2015)

MIKE KALANTARIAN sends along this ominous photo of the Navarro, already closed at the mouth. Last year, it rained hard in December and was mostly dry the rest of the formerly wet season. We may be getting a repeat.


“All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.” Yes, those were the words spoken by a man who was Governor of California and President of the United States, a man revered by millions of People With Small Brains. I stumbled upon that example of Reagan’s snotty idiocy while hunting for cogent things people have said about waste, and though Reagan was rarely cogent—and the world might be a better place had he, in his youth, sat for a few hours at a desk under which was stored a year’s waste from a nuclear power plant—his remark struck me as an apt preamble to the problem I want to discuss with you.
