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Posts published in November 2014

Bobby Lee’s “Stella” CD Release Party

The Cloverdale Arts Alliance on November 20 On Thursday, November 20, the Cloverdale Arts Alliance (CAA) is pleased to present the CD Release Party for…

Monsanto vs. Farmers

Obama celebrated his presidential victory in 2008 with these appointments: At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger…

American Exceptionalism

Recently listening to fascinating interviews with Noam Chomsky and Julian Assange, I was struck by their repeated use of the expression American Exceptionalism. The expression as they used it had geo-political connotations, but I think American Exceptionalism also captures the essence of the most popular operating system of the individual American psyche.

Mendocino Talking: Martin Bradley

I was born in western Pennsylvania, in McKeesport, a steel mill town outside of Pittsburgh. I was the youngest seven kids and my dad was in the ice business, delivering ice to homes and businesses for their “ice boxes”. That was a business clearly headed for obsolescence. Shortly after I was born, he sold the ice business and bought a Mobile gas station.

Visit Mendocino

A couple of weeks ago, we referred to Visit Mendocino County and its sister organizations — the Mendocino County Lodging Association and the Mendcoino County…

Panther Soccer (Nov 5, 2014)

With two games to go, AV remained in second place, just one point behind leaders Roseland Prep, who, given their opposition, would almost certainly finish…

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 5, 2014)

This week Anderson Valley will commemorate Veterans Day (officially Tuesday Nov. 11) — the annual Veterans Day of Remembrance service at Evergreen Cemetery on AV Way just north of Boonville.

Letters (Nov 5, 2014)

My name is Mark Bishop and I was the Director of the Access Center in Ukiah until June of this year. I was terminated for questioning OMG regarding the delivery of Mental Health services as well as refusing to conduct illegal 5150 holds at the direction of Dr. John Riley.
