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Posts published in October 2014

Willits Earthquake

3.9 earthquake, Saturday morning, 8:45am, 14 kilometers SW of Willits.   

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct 4, 2014

Neurotic Youth;
Giants Win;
Lucky Bobcat;
Native Gardening;
Police Reports;
Catch of the Day;
Eel Salmon Run;
Pot Initiative;
S Fundraiser;
Our Whole Life;
Fire Losak;
Mellow Mendo;
Local Food;
Rare Gold;
Mowing Palestinians;
Craig Scores

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct 3, 2014

Mendocino's Future;
Pump or Blow;
Power Scam;
Radio Politics;
MendoTV Confusion;
Young Giants;
American Sins;
Marijuana History;
My Ass;
Albion Organizes;
PA Agenda;
Israel's Crimes;
I Out;
Insincere Language;
Catch of the Day;
JDSF Road Closure

Library News

Chris Hansen Will Share His New Bird Photography Book At Mendocino County Library, Willits Branch Willits Library is proud to present local author, Chris Hansen,…

National Pentagon Radio

Say what you will about NPR, National Public Radio, when it comes to reporting on American foreign policy, i.e. using drones and missiles and fighter jets to bomb adversaries, real and imagined, who have no air force or any way to defend themselves against those bombs and missiles, NPR is the great legitimizer of the military-corporate strategy of endless war.

Mendocino Talking: Margaret Fox

Margaret Fox, proprietor of the legendary Cafe Beaujolais in Mendocino for over 20 years, and author of two cookbooks, is now the Culinary Director of the Harvest Markets in Fort Bragg and Mendocino. Here is her story.

Panther Soccer (Oct 1, 2014)

Despite the Valley’s first “proper” rain for several months hitting Boonville around kick-off time last Wednesday (Sept 24), it was clear that the Panthers were…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grapes' Legal Whiff;
Crawford's Slam;
Allman's Losak Complaint;
Expensive County Process;
Police Reports;
Lost Phone;
Local Food News;
Will Parrish Appreciation;
Brown Bills;
Yes on S;
Catch of the Day;
Walton Money

KZYX Celebrates Its Birthday

Turning 25 years old is a big deal for a community radio station created by a band of dreamers in the Anderson Valley, operating on a shoestring, and broadcasting 24 hours a day – music, news and public affairs, both local and national — to nearly all parts of far-flung Mendocino County.
