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Posts published in “Day: October 9, 2014

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct 10, 2014

Abortion Services;
Catch of the Day;
Trespass Judgment;
Gibbons 70;
Columbus Day;
Home Invaders;
Vote Holly;
New Doctors;
AV Weekend;
Prison Death;
Heavy Metal;
Intelligent Design;
Consumer Justice;
Cancer Walk;
Our Summer;
Literature Nobel;
Prop 1 Money

Mendocino Talking: Charles Martin, Renegade Farmer

Charles Martin and his wife, Catherine, ran a small, organic/biodynamic farm for many years near the coast in Comptche, supplying their neighbors and local restaurants including Cafe Beaujolais. They also operated a nonprofit health foundation. They co-founded the Ecology Action/Golden Rule Bio-Intensive Intern/Apprentice training program with John Jeavons, and Charles was active as Vice-President and Farm Reviewer for the Mendocino Renegade eco-label program of the Mendocino Organic Network. They now live in active retirement near Willits, California.

My Summer Of Dope

When I returned from vacation, the field separating my house from the cottage was filled with marijuana plants, 22 in total, and they were all about six feet in height. The smell, in the warm summer air, was quite potent.

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct 9, 2014

Iacuaniello Blank;
NYTimes on Playoff Giants;
Redwood Valley Lurker;
Catch of the Day;
Willits Detour;
ISIS Crisis, Biden Blurt;
Redtag Palace;
Amy & Katrina;
Halloween Party;
Maunakea Telescope
