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Posts published in “Day: October 1, 2014

Valley People (Oct 1, 2014)

AV FOOTBALL is 5-0 this season so far and is ranked 130 in the nation, 9th in the state. Prior to Saturday's game against Rincon…

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 1, 2014)

I have often thought that telling ourselves and each other what a wonderful community we have here in the Valley is something that is certainly true but, if repeated over and over, perhaps a little too self-congratulatory, and almost smug in my humble, and some might say, curmudgeonly opinion. I feel that simply knowing it, enjoying it, feeding off it, and adding to it, without frequently “shouting it from the rooftops,” no matter how true it may be, is a more agreeable way to enjoy and celebrate this undoubted gift we as a community possess.

Ten-Day Village Building Convergence Rocks Sebastopol

Participants in the ambitious ten-day First Annual Sebastopol Village Building Convergence (VBC) painted murals on streets in this small Northern California town and filled the…
