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Posts published in “Day: October 1, 2014

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grapes' Legal Whiff;
Crawford's Slam;
Allman's Losak Complaint;
Expensive County Process;
Police Reports;
Lost Phone;
Local Food News;
Will Parrish Appreciation;
Brown Bills;
Yes on S;
Catch of the Day;
Walton Money

KZYX Celebrates Its Birthday

Turning 25 years old is a big deal for a community radio station created by a band of dreamers in the Anderson Valley, operating on a shoestring, and broadcasting 24 hours a day – music, news and public affairs, both local and national — to nearly all parts of far-flung Mendocino County.

MRC — Same Old Same Old

The Fisher family of San Francisco owns the Mendocino Redwood Company and the Humboldt Redwood Company. They've made pots of dough in the garment industry…

Fort Bragg City Council Race Heats Up

On September 27th the five candidates for three seats on the Fort Bragg City Council appeared at a League of Women's Voters forum. Their statements…

1.3 Grams Of Cure…

Tweakers like to hang at Ukiah's Wally World (WalMart) because it’s easy to shoplift in the mega-emporium's crowded aisles. Reacting to the neo-deluge of shoplifters, Wally World's management has hired their own security force. Advanced Protection Services (APS) rent-a-cop cars now patrol the parking lot, and store detectives called “prevention officers” hover in the aisles.

The Big Swindle

A READER WRITES: “What you and all of these latter day crusaders for preserving the sanctity of mediocrity (that has characterized county delivery of adult…

The Midnight Rambler

The Board of Supes, on October 7th, is set to approve a contract for newly promoted "Interim" County Counsel Doug Losak. Losak had been "Acting"…

Letters (Oct 1, 2014)

What's up with the guy the County hired to replace Tom Croak as local public defender in Fort Bragg? They hired this retired cop from Palmdale in Los Angeles County, but now rumor has it he's gone. Maybe now some of our underemployed local attorneys can get some consideration.
