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Posts published in September 2014

News From The Playa 2014

Brandenburg’s Concerto Number 3 being played by a live orchestra is not the kind of music you would expect to be performed at Burning Man, but then again nothing surprises me there. Instead it delights…

Reunited & Feeling Good

Recently, there was a reunion of my high school class, a recurrent traditional all-American event I'd always ignored, but for whatever reasons the peer pressure to attend this time came on strong and at the last minute, against my intuition and convictions, I succumbed, bought a plane ticket south, and went. I half-expected frightening reminders of collective aging, puerile nostalgia, embarrassing alcohol-enabled displays of long-repressed urges, ego-fueled career one-upsmanship, excruciating "sharing" of family pictures, and a general outburst of collective regret and confusion.

Always The Same; Always Different

The Mendocino County Fair and Apple Show 2014 has come and gone. As always I went all three days and what a pageant and procession it was. Although the fair is very much the same…

Mendocino County Today: September 18, 2014

Black Fire Contained;
Redwood Valley Meeting;
Ho School;
Mosswood Layaway;
Welcome Rain;
Travel Budgets;
Local Food Events;
AVHC Board Meeting;
Catch of the Day;
Life Lessons;
911 Truths;
Fiber Crime

Mendo College Fall Plant Sale

Presented by The Mendocino College Agriculture Department and Horticulture Club. Featuring:, Drought tolerant perennial color, Fall Vegetables, California natives, Shrubs and trees, Heirloom and hard to find plants, Did you know that fall, is the…

Harvest Art

September 19 - November 13, 2014 Artists' Reception Saturday, September 20, 2014, 5-8 PM Featuring Resident Artist: Robin Burgert Artists: Robin Burgert, Laura Paine Carr, Pamela Hect, Terry Hollerman, Sharon Kozel, Paul Maurer, Michele Morehouse,…
