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Posts published in July 2014

Willits Bypass Timeline

In Willits, many people have not taken kindly to the California Department of Transportation's asphalt imperialism, which entails spreading more than 140,000 dump truck loads of fill in Little Lake Valley, building bridges, disturbing creeks, killing fish, covering up wetlands, cutting down riparian forests, removing roughly 2,000 oak trees, taking away farm land. It is likely that even more overall harm will be done by a politically stilted mitigation plan that centers on excavating wetlands soils in the name of creating wetlands.

Valley People (July 23, 2014)

FAMED BLUES guitarist, Johnny Winter, died in Switzerland on Wednesday. Winter once appeared in Navarro where Dave Evans of the Navarro Store has put Anderson Valley's wide spot in the road on the big time rock and roll map. The store features a striking wood sculpture resembling Winter in its parking lot. We understand that Winter's appearance cost Evans a cool twenty thou, in cash, handed directly to Winter before he would emerge from his motor home to perform. A huge crowd turned up for the improbable event under the redwoods.

Off the Record (July 23, 2014)

BOONVILLE REDEMPTION, the movie partly filmed here, doesn’t seem headed for blockbuster status. Even its on-line description is unpromising. “Thirteen year-old Melinda (Strike one! — any movie featuring a kid is, by definition, awful, even if the kid can act) “is angry about the hand life has dealt her,” an anger shared by most sentient beings and so what? “Being born out of wedlock and scorned by many, Melinda desperately wants to know what happened to her real father. No one will tell her.” Most so-called illegitimate kids are better off not knowing. “Alice, Melinda’s mother, feels that God has abandoned her and now relies on superstitions to cope with her guilt.” But God has always been, ah, inattentive, and Mendo is indeed a kind of national woo-woo center. But Mendo wasn’t woo-woo heavy in 1913 when this epic is set. Woo-woo arrived in ’67 with the hippies.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cop Stress;
Anderson Valley Secrets;
Doc Loyalty;
Operation Yurok;
Caffrey Responds;
Tweek n Ride;
Research Library Expansion;
Israel Protest;
Shrinking Palestine;
Catch of the Day;
Government Entrapment

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 22, 2014

County Labor Problems;
Mendo Film Tradition;
Audibly Nuts;
Great Conversation?;
Catch of the Day;
Demon Alcohol;
Cummings Bio;
Corked Wine;
Arselickin Bad;
Oil Population;
NYT Cheers Israel;
Fight and Win;
Greyhound Emissary

Dustbowl Revival

Sundays in the Park Concerts, Sunday July 27th On Sunday, July 27th in Todd Grove Park at 6:00pm Fowler Auto & Truck Center, The City…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 21, 2014

Balo Grading;
County Priorities;
WPA Mural;
Huffman's Errand Boy;
FB Reservoir Public Hearing;
Computer Scam;
Who Are You?;
Chips for China;
Catch of the Day;
Weed Strains

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 20, 2014

Edu Money;
Health Center Update;
Rental Water;
Senior Citizen of the Week;
Workweek Alternatives;
Catch of the Day;
The Great Way;
Palestinian Rights;
Parliamentary Debate;
Wall Comparisons;
Curt Gentry;
National Propaganda Radio
