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Posts published in July 2014

Celebrating The Fourth With The Enemy

The Fourth of July, as we all know, is Independence Day. Hurray for George Washington and the revolutionaries, down with King George and the British.…

Life’s Shuffle; Death’s Dance

Produced in 1981, playwright, Paula Vogel, has created a smart script. It lays down the newly defined economic world, now known as “Reaganomics,” onto the fabric of the oldest and the most defamed of professions, prostitution. Conversely — perhaps perversely — Vogel also places prostitution, the most common of denominators, onto the metaphoric fabric of America's economic and social spectrum just as if it was as respected and established a profession as being a doctor, a minister or merchant.

Three Hundred Berets

Last week President Obama ordered three hundred Green Berets to Iraq. Why? The Islamic State in Syria and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL — take…

FIFA’s Music

If forced to choose between a close-range battering from the vuvuzela—the infamous plastic horn that pierced the global eardrum during the last World Cup held…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wildfire Burning;
Pinizzotto Conflict;
Water Money;
Massey vs KZYX;
Viola Richardson;
Don't Go;
Before Logging;
River Trespass;
Catch of the Day;
Domestic Altercation;
Bear Encounter;
Water Warming;
Craig Money

Travels With Charlie

As many of you have already heard, on Wednesday of last week Charlie Paget Seekins was very seriously injured when he fell from a tree…

A Very Long Walk

We're at that time between the Comptche Volunteer Fire Department's Father's Day picnic and the similar one put on by the Albion-Little River Fire Department.…

The Sounds Of Sierra Fest

Saturday's closer Shaggy, a superstar dancehall reggae singer/toaster of the 1990s, was a controversial headliner from the start - months before the show, online comments like "Shaggy? LOL" appeared, with true, (older?) reggae fans wondering what he was doing as a headliner, if at the festival at all. His actual appearance did nothing to resolve the conflict. People jammed both the front of the stage, cheering, and the exits, jeering. Shaggy's oft-crude demeanor and language was not all that rude by dancehall standards but struck many as out-of-place and insulting.
