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Posts published in June 2014

Bird’s Eye View (June 4, 2014)

A mountain lion was apparently spotted chasing a deer near to the Ranger Station in Hendy Woods last week. It’s nothing to really worry about, after all county trapper Gary Johnson tells me that if the lion wants to end your days, because of their stealth and killing skills you will never even know about it, the beast will have done the job in the blink of an eye. Yes, you’ll be admiring the wonderful trees, and the next second you’ll be a gooey mess on the forest floor. Good to know.

Camry Or Cannonball?

Is a vehicle a deadly weapon? Or is it just a big, benign baby carriage? Depends on how it's used. This is the question in…

Not In Kansas Anymore

Can you imagine your young kids setting off to see the world, with no real plans, little money, and no phone or internet access? “See…

Off the Record (June 4, 2014)

THE THREE PERSONS arrested earlier this week in a Fort Bragg DEA raid, complete with helicopter, are identified as Rebecca Reynolds, 53, her daughter Jayne…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Preliminary Election Results;
Masonite Water Right Revoked;
Incompetents, Not Fascists;
Noise Investigation;
Husch Hand Digging;
Home Run BBQ;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
Ukiah/Hopland Fire;
No Bookmobile Today;
Comptche BBQ;
Willits Wetlands;
The Oligarchy;
Modern Physics;
Dog Killers

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pension Tension;
Bypass Modification;
Police Calls;
Medical Assistants;
ElderHome Fundraiser;
Big Easy's Krishna;
Biography for the Birds;
Little Bighorn (Day 4);
Tie Goes to the Fracker

Turning the Wheel of Life

‘Woven Worlds’ illuminates past, present of Mendocino County native peoples. On Saturday, June 21, the Mendocino County Museum will welcome all to a reception for…

Horns & Okra, Ukiah, Sunday, June 15

The Dirty Dozen Brass Bandwill Perform First Concert At Sundays In The Park Concerts on Sunday June 15th in Todd Grove Park at 6pm. Fowler…
