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Posts published in April 2014

Tan Bark

One of the old-time industries in Anderson Valley and the North Coast was peeling and shipping of tan bark. It was a big thing in…

Robinson Crusoe Island

This April puts us five years short of the 300th anniversary of the publication of Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe's popular novel about an island castaway…

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 16, 2014)

I have a warning about the downtown Boonville property owner, David “I’m not greedy” Johnson, the landlord of the “Pick and Pay” market and the two empty retail spaces next door, formerly the Boonville Saloon (Lodge) and Anel’s Restaurant. I see that he is looking for new tenants and, while I am a big advocate of commerce in the Valley, and hope a business(es) will thrive there, I urge prospective small business owners to perform full due diligence when signing any sort of lease with this dubious character.

Lions Club Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt

Don't forget the big Easter Breakfast which will follow the Easter Egg Hunt at the fairgrounds lawn area from 8-11am on Sunday, April 20 to…

Letters (Apr 16, 2014)

Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association, neighborhood bullies indeed. I always thought “white noise” was listening to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly.

Yahoo For YES Camp!

For those of you that don't already know about YES Camp it is a one week summer camp for young people ages 14 to 19 years old that introduces them to all aspects of emergency response: Emergency Medical Services, Fire Services, Law Enforcement, and Search and Rescue.
